The Linux version of Virtuino IoT is available as .deb package
Linux: version 0.6.18 deb package Noe-12-2023 (latest)
How to install:
1. First uninstall the previous version, if it is installed, by entering the follow command in the terminal window
sudo apt-get remove virtuino-iot
2. Download the latest Linux Virtuino IoT package by entering the follow command
3. Install the package :
sudo dpkg -i virtuino_iot_0_6_18.deb
or double click on the package
4. Users not using the Ubuntu version should install the packages: libsqlite3 and libsqlite3-dev
sudo apt-get -y install libsqlite3-0 libsqlite3-dev
Useful info:
Virtuino IoT doesn't support all Linux versions.
The Linux version of Virtuino IoT creates the folder virtuino inside the Documents folder for the projects storing. In this folder are stored all the other data like images, chart data, sounds etc. The folder is not removed after the uninstallation
Previous Linux versions:
Linux: version 0.6.16 deb package Oct -04-2023
Linux: version 0.6.1 deb package Aug -03-2023
Linux: version 0.5.42 deb package Apr-11-2023
Linux: version 0.5.13 deb package Apr-01-2023
Linux: version 0.4.12 deb package Feb-06-2023
Linux: version 0.4.0 deb package Jan-25-2023
Linux: version 0.3.0 deb package Jan-08-2023
Linux: version 0.2.0 deb package Dec-28-2022
Linux: version 0.1.3 deb package Dec-08-2022
Linux: version 0.1.0 deb package Noe-06-2022
Linux: version 0.0.19 deb package Sep-22-2022