How to configure Virtuino IoT to send emails

Virtuino IoT uses the email service EmailJS for email sending

1. Visit Create an account.

2. Select Email Services Add New Service

Follow the instructions to create a service


3. Select  Email Templates > Create New Template


On the template settings enter the following tags


Use the tags:

subject: the Virtuino alert subject

message:  the Virtuino Alert message

value: the value that triggers the alert

date: the date on which the alert is triggered

comparison_value: the comparison value that triggered the alert

user_email: the email of the user (or users) you want to send the alert message to.


The following text is a valid template. You can copy it to EmailJs template 

Hi, you have a new message fron Virtuino IoT app
value= {{value}}
date= {{date}}
alert value:   {{comparison_value}}
Virtuino ΙοΤ


4. Run Virtuino ΙοΤ. Create a new project.

Go to Menu > Alert Manager > Menu (top-right) > email Settings

Enter the Service ID, the Template ID and the Public Key in the corresponding fields.

Save settings 

The Public Key is located in the EmailJS Account settings


5. On Virtuino IoT "Alert Manager" window click the tab "Project Alerts"

Add a new "Alert".

Enter the alert subject, the alert message and the activation settings

Click the tab "email"

Enable the email sending

Enter one or more valid email addresses.



6. Go back to dashboard.

Unlock the dashboard

Add a "Slider"

Select the V0 variable of the "Emulator

Save the "Slider"

Lock the dashboard

Move the "Slider" to a value higher than 30.

You have to receive an email