Examples for the MQTT connection

The following examples needs the library PubSubClient library by Nick O'Leary

Use the Arduino Library Manager to install the latest PubSubClient library

Ethernet MQTT  example_1: Getting started

ESP8266 MQTT example1: Getting started

ESP32 MQTT example: Getting started



Examples for the Modbus connection

Examples are not available yet



Examples for the Virtuino Web Sockets connection

The following examples need the library WebSockets ver 2.3.5 or higher by Markus Sattler

Use the Arduino Library Manager to install the latest WebSockets library. The library supports ESP8266 & ESP32 boards only

Basic examples

ESP8266 webSocket Server example: Getting started

ESP8266 webSocket Server example: PWM

ESP8266 webSocket Server example: Sensors

ESP8266 webSocket Server example: Receive Text

ESP8266 webSocket Server example: Advance - All features

ESP8266 webSocket Access Point Server example: Access Point

ESP32 webSocket Server example: Getting started  (Arduino_JSON library needed)

ESP32 webSocket Server example: Schedule example (Arduino_JSON library needed)

Other examples

ESP32 webSocket Server example: DHT22

ESP32 webSocket Server example: DHT22 + Touch sensor