hello good I wanted to know what code to use to activate the signals from outside the house from another place thanks a greeting.
that is from outside the Wi-Fi network with the GSM.
I forgot to tell you that I work with a Wemos D1 mini Pro.
I don't want to put an ethernet card to make it Wi-Fi. thanks for your help i'm stuck.
the code used is websockets not if I have to open ports in the router what is the best option
that is from outside the Wi-Fi network with the GSM.
I forgot to tell you that I work with a Wemos D1 mini Pro.
I don't want to put an ethernet card to make it Wi-Fi. thanks for your help i'm stuck.
the code used is websockets not if I have to open ports in the router what is the best option
I have done the project with Arduino WS. I don't want to put an ethernet card to make it Wi-Fi. thanks for your help i'm stuck
/* Virtuino Iot example: ESP8266 Read/Write to digital pins
* Supported boards: all ESP8266 boards
* This example contains the following features
* 1. How to read enable an Arduino led from Virtuino dashboard
* 2. How to send the state of an arduino pin to Virtuino dashboard
* Created by Ilias Lamprou
* Updated Apr 11 2022
/*Los pines utilizados son:
* D0 GPIO 16 sensor magnetico que regitra la entrada de un intruso en caso de que se abra la puerta estando activada
* D1 GPIO 5 abre portal 3 seg
* D2 GPIO 4 detecta el pin manual y regula la señal envia a arduino si no se abriria y cerraria debido al tiempo de manualizado del boton
* D3 GPIO 0 oesta libre para usar con señal de TENSION en un futuro se pone en alto al reiniciar el modulo
* D4 GPIO 2 esta salida manda la señal de apertura de puerta de entrada a casa
* D5 GPIO 14 este pin esta puenteado con el D2 y registra el alto de boton manualizado D2 para contar cuando esta alto y bajo uno si y uno no se pone en alt
* D6 GPIO 12 rele activa la larma sonora. tambien se puede forzar su activacion con un boton en el telefono
* D7 GPIO 13 asociado a señal de telefono para activar la apertura o cierre de puerta (este pin es virtual solo registra los pulsos )
* D8 GPIO 15 testigo de pinpuerta para mantener el pin activo o no activo para contar el pulso
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WebSocketsServer.h> // Download the library WebSockets by Markus Sattler from arduino library manager (ver 2.3.5)
//--- SETTINGS ----------------------------------------
const char* ssid = "xxxxxxxx"; // WIFI network SSID
const char* password = "xxxxxxx"; // WIFI network PASSWORD
WebSocketsServer webSocket = WebSocketsServer(8000); // Default Virtuino Server port = 8000
IPAddress ip(192, 168, 1, 145); // where 150 is the desired IP Address. The first three numbers must be the same as the router IP
IPAddress gateway(192, 168, 1, 1); // set gateway to match your network. Replace with your router IP
//---- Enter all the Tags here. You have to use the same Tags on Virtuino variables
const char* pin0_tag= "V0"; // tag for digital input sensor magnetico
const char* pin1_tag= "V1"; // tag for digital output apertura portal
const char* pin2_tag= "V2"; // tag for digital output señal arduino
const char* pin3_tag= "V3"; // señal para mandar correo alarma
const char* pin4_tag= "V4";
const char* pin6_tag= "V6"; // tag for digital output manual alarma
const int senspuer = 16; //D0 GIOP 16 sensor magnetico
const int coalarma = 0; //D3 GPIO5 correo alarma
const int relealarm = 12; //D6 GPIO12 rele activa la larma sonora
const int abrircasa = 13; //D7 GPIO13 asociado a señal de telefono para activar la apertura o cierre de puerta
const int pinse = 15; //D8 testigo de pinpuerta para mantener el pin activo o no activo para contar el pulso
const int copuab= 2; //D4 GPIO2 correo puerta abierta
unsigned long tiempoasignado1/*se va sumando al anterior*/ = 0;
// add more here like the next lines...
// const char* pin2_tag= "V2";
// const char* pin8_tag= "V8";
//---- Enter some variables to hold the last state of the inputs.
uint8_t pin0_lastValue=0;
uint8_t pin1_lastValue=0;
uint8_t pin2_lastValue=0;
uint8_t pin3_lastValue=0;
uint8_t pin4_lastValue=0;
uint8_t pin6_lastValue=0;
// add more here like the next lines...
// uint8_t pin2_lastValue=0;
// uint8_t pin8_lastValue=0;
//===================================================== sendPinStatus
// It is called every time a new client is connected.
// The void informs Virtuino app about the current pin states and variable values.
void sendPinsStatus(){
sendValue(pin0_tag, String(digitalRead(D0))); // send the digital input D0 state
sendValue(pin1_tag, String(digitalRead(D1))); // send the digital input D1 state
sendValue(pin2_tag, String(digitalRead(D2))); // send the digital input D2 state
sendValue(pin3_tag, String(digitalRead(D3))); // send the digital input D3 state
sendValue(pin4_tag, String(digitalRead(D4))); // send the digital input D4 state
sendValue(pin6_tag, String(digitalRead(D6))); // send the digital ouput D6 state
// add more here like the next lines...
// sendValue(pin2_tag, String(digitalRead(D2)));
// sendValue(pin8_tag, String(digitalRead(D8)));
//===================================================== onValueReceived
// It is called every time a new value received
void onValueReceived(String tag, String value){
Serial.println("Received: tag="+tag+ " value="+value);
if (tag== pin0_tag) { // write to digital pin D1
int v=value.toInt();
if (v==1) digitalWrite(D0,HIGH); else digitalWrite(D0,LOW);
if (tag== pin1_tag) { // write to digital pin D1
int v=value.toInt();
if (v==1) digitalWrite(D1,HIGH); else digitalWrite(D1,LOW);
if (tag== pin2_tag) { // write to digital pin D2
int v=value.toInt();
if (v==1) digitalWrite(D2,HIGH); else digitalWrite(D2,LOW);
if (tag==pin3_tag) { // write to digital Output D3
int v=value.toInt();
if (v==1) digitalWrite(D3,HIGH); else digitalWrite(D3,LOW);
if (tag==pin4_tag) { // write to digital Output D4
int v=value.toInt();
if (v==1) digitalWrite(D4,HIGH); else digitalWrite(D4,LOW);
if (tag== pin6_tag) { // write to digital pin D6
int v=value.toInt();
if (v==1) digitalWrite(D6,HIGH); else digitalWrite(D6,LOW);
//===================================================== setup
void setup() {
while (!Serial) delay(1);
//pinMode(D0,INPUT); // entrada sensor magnetico D0
pinMode(D1,OUTPUT); // salida abrir portal
pinMode(D2,OUTPUT); // señal abrir puerta casa
//pinMode(D3,INPUT); // señal para correo de alarma
//pinMode(D4,INPUT); // señal para correo puerta abierta
pinMode(D6,OUTPUT); // manual alarma
pinMode(senspuer, INPUT); //pin D0(gpio16)sensor de puerta magnetico
pinMode(relealarm, OUTPUT); //pin D6(gpio12)rele activa la larma sonora
pinMode(abrircasa, OUTPUT); //asociado a señal de telefono para activar la apertura o cierre de puerta
pinMode(pinse, OUTPUT);
pinMode(copuab, OUTPUT); //D3 pin activacion correo puerta
//===================================================== loop
void loop() {
//---Example: How to send a Digital Input state to Virtuino app every time it changes
int pin0= digitalRead(D0); // read the new state
if (pin0_lastValue != pin0) { // compare with the previous input state
sendValue(pin0_tag, String(pin0)); // send the new state
pin0_lastValue=pin0; // copy the new state to variable pin7_lastValue
//---Example: How to send a Digital Input state to Virtuino app every time it changes
/* int pin8= digitalRead(D8); // read the new state
if (pin8_lastValue != pin8) { // compare with the previous input state
sendValue(pin8_tag, String(pin8)); // send the new state
pin8_lastValue=pin8; // copy the new state to variable pin8_lastValue
//--- Attention: Don't add a line like the next. It will send values to Virtuino app on each loop circle.
// sendValue(pinD0_tag, digitalRead(D0));
// avoid to use the void Delay() in your code. This causes communication delays
// vDelay(1000); // Use the vDelay() instead of Delay() or better none of them
// add your code here...
unsigned long tiempoahora1 = millis();
int pinstate3 =0;
int pinstate = 0;
pinstate=digitalRead(14);//pin D5
int estadoanterior = 0;
int estado = 0; //guardar el estado del boton
estado = digitalRead(abrircasa);
int salida = 0; //0= led esta apagado, 1=led encendido
if ((estado == HIGH) && (estadoanterior == LOW)) //lee el estado del led si encendido ejecuta este ciclo
salida = 1 - salida; //si esta encendido le resta 1 queda en apagado
if(pinstate3==HIGH)//detecta el pin manual y regula la señal envia a arduino si no se abriria y cerraria debido al tiempo de manualizado del boton
digitalWrite(D2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(D2, LOW);
Serial.println("se ejecutaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ");
int senspuer1=0;
senspuer1 = digitalRead(16);
digitalWrite(copuab, HIGH);
int pin4= digitalRead(D4); // read the new state
if (pin4_lastValue != pin4) { // compare with the previous input state
sendValue(pin4_tag, String(pin4)); // send the new state
pin4_lastValue=pin4;// copy the new state to variable pin7_lastValue
digitalWrite(copuab, LOW);
Serial.println("puerta abierta!!!!!! ");
digitalWrite(pinse, LOW);
digitalWrite(relealarm, LOW);
Serial.println("desactivando alarma!!!!!! ");
digitalWrite(D2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(D2, LOW);
Serial.println("se ejjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj ");
Serial.println("activando alarma¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ");
digitalWrite(pinse, HIGH);
int pupor=0;
pupor= digitalRead(D1);
if(pupor == HIGH)
Serial.println("abriendo puerta portal");
int i=0;
int estad = 0;
int pinstate2 = 0;
pinstate2=digitalRead (16);
if((estad==HIGH) && (pinstate2 == LOW))
if (tiempoahora1 - tiempoasignado1 >= 20000)
Serial.println("puerta abierta robo");
int pin3= digitalRead(D3); // read the new state
if (pin3_lastValue != pin3) { // compare with the previous input state
sendValue(pin3_tag, String(pin3)); // send the new state
pin3_lastValue=pin3; // copy the new state to variable pin7_lastValue
int pin3= digitalRead(D3); // read the new state
if (pin3_lastValue != pin3) { // compare with the previous input state
sendValue(pin3_tag, String(pin3)); // send the new state
pin3_lastValue=pin3; // copy the new state to variable pin7_lastValue
int pin4= digitalRead(D4); // read the new state
if (pin4_lastValue != pin4) { // compare with the previous input state
sendValue(pin4_tag, String(pin4)); // send the new state
pin4_lastValue=pin4; // copy the new state to variable pin7_lastValue
====================== UTILS =======================
You don't need to make changes to the code below
//===================================================== connectToWiFiNetwork
void connectToWiFiNetwork(){
Serial.println("Connecting to "+String(ssid));
// If you don't want to config IP manually disable the next two lines and the disables IPAddress variables at the top of the code
//IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0); // set subnet mask to match your network
//WiFi.config(ip, gateway, subnet); // If you don't want to config IP manually disable this line
WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); // Configure the module as station only.
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("\nWiFi connected");
Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); // Insert this IP on Virtuino IoT server settings
//===================================================== sendValue
// This function sends a value to a Tag.
// The tag and the value are converted to a json message before sending
bool sendValue(const char* tag, String value){
String json = "{\"";
Serial.println("Send: "+json);
return webSocket.broadcastTXT(json); // This function sends the message to all connected clients.
//===================================================== webSocketEvent
//This is the server handler. It receives all the messages
void webSocketEvent(uint8_t num, WStype_t type, uint8_t * payload, size_t length) {
switch(type) {
Serial.printf("[%u] Disconnected!\n", num);
case WStype_CONNECTED:{
IPAddress ip = webSocket.remoteIP(num);
Serial.printf("[%u] New client connected - IP: %d.%d.%d.%d \n", num, ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3]);
sendPinsStatus(); // send the initial pin and variable values to the connected clients
case WStype_TEXT: // a new message received
Serial.printf("[%u] Received: %s\n", num, payload);
//-- The incoming payload is a json message. The following code extracts the value from json without extra library
String str = (char*)payload;
int p1 = str.indexOf("{\"");
if (p1==0) {
int p2 = str.indexOf("\":");
if (p2>p1) {
String tag = str.substring(p1+2,p2);
p1 = str.indexOf(":\"",p2);
if (p1>0) {
p2 = str.lastIndexOf("\"}");
if (p2>0){
String value = str.substring(p1+2,p2);
//===================================================== vDelay
void vDelay(int delayInMillis){long t=millis()+delayInMillis;while (millis()<t) webSocket.loop();}