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Extract data from long Json message

I am sorry to bother with this question as i have seen it was asked before, but after watching the video you posted on how to extract the data, i still can not mange to extract what i need.
The Json payload i receive is :


There are a lot of variables Smile but i would like to extract for example "AM..4:10-1":"04bc", 04bc is the value which is in hex, i would also like to convert to decimal. i would like to display only the value 04bc in decimal (1212).

I have tried also with JavaScript script, but it did not work Sad

Please can you help me with this. Thanks in advance
1. Store the json message to a Variable. Add a value display to see your Json
2. Add the script "Json to Variable converter":
Select as input the ariable with the text.
Select as output the variable Emulator V0
Value json path: state/reported/AM..4:10-1 
Add a value display for this variable. You have to see the hex number: 04bc
3. Add the script "Hex Converter":
Select as input the variable Emulator V0
Select as output the variable Emulator V1
Type: Hex to INT
Hex Format: 12ef
Add a value display for the Variable emulator V1.
You will see the value: 04bc
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(04-13-2024, 06:55 PM)iliaslamprou Wrote: Hi,
1. Store the json message to a Variable. Add a value display to see your Json
2. Add the script "Json to Variable converter":
Select as input the ariable with the text.
Select as output the variable Emulator V0
Value json path: state/reported/AM..4:10-1 
Add a value display for this variable. You have to see the hex number: 04bc
3. Add the script "Hex Converter":
Select as input the variable Emulator V0
Select as output the variable Emulator V1
Type: Hex to INT
Hex Format: 12ef
Add a value display for the Variable emulator V1.
You will see the value: 04bc

Hi Ilias,

thanks a lot, "Value json path: state/reported/...." this part is what i needed. All works fine now. Thank a lot for the quick reply.  Have a nice weekend, and again greatly appreciate your reply.

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