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Two Smartphones in one Projekt?
Dear Sir,
I want to communicate with two smartphones in one project.
Up to now I used two boards (ATmega) and two HC05 and the boards where communicating via I2C.
Due to software serial I am not to happy with that solution.
Now I would like to use one board, either a teensy LC with two HC05 ore a ESP32 with an additional HC05.

Is that possible at all?
If so, what is the recomeded solution?
Is there a tutorial?

Kind regards
you can use both solutions using the serial connection. I think the I2C is not supported by HC05.  
I don't have an example but you can find examples here:   

The examples that do not need any library will help you on the second solution
Thank You for your reply.
I managed to set up an ESP32 to AP and conected two smartphones and a tilt compensatet compas (BNO085) via I2C to it.
One will be the remote control for an autopilot and the other will only be a display.

Thank you very much for your suport.

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