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portale sinric pro

I think the the Sinric library can works at the same time with the WebSockets library

I have modified the Sinric example. It works to me. I used ESP32 device. Please check it:

       #define DEBUG_ESP_PORT Serial
       #define NDEBUG

#include <Arduino.h>
#ifdef ESP8266
       #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#ifdef ESP32   
       #include <WiFi.h>

#include "SinricPro.h"
#include "SinricProSwitch.h"

#define WIFI_SSID         "WIFI NAME"   
#define WIFI_PASS         "1234567890"
#define APP_KEY           "f161e12c-axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"     
#define APP_SECRET        "15a30521-f6aaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" 
#define SWITCH_ID         "63fbf5e71xxxxxxxxx" 
#define BAUD_RATE         9600                // Change baudrate to your need

#define BUTTON_PIN 0   // GPIO for BUTTON (inverted: LOW = pressed, HIGH = released)
#define LED_PIN   4   // GPIO for LED (inverted)

#include <WebSocketsServer.h>
WebSocketsServer webSocket = WebSocketsServer(8000);

bool myPowerState = false;
unsigned long lastBtnPress = 0;

//---- Enter all the Tags here. You have to use the same Tags on Virtuino variables
  const char* pin4_tag= "V4";         // tag for digital input
  const char* pin22_tag= "V22";       // tag for digital output
  // const char* pin17_tag= "V17";    // add more here
  const char* sensor1_tag= "V40";     // tag for sensor1 value
  const char* sensor2_tag= "V41";     // tag for sensor2 value

//---- Enter some variables to hold the last state of the inputs.
  uint8_t pin4_lastValue=0;
  uint8_t pin22_lastValue=0;
  //uint8_t pin17_lastValue=0;
  unsigned long lastSensorRedingTime=0;

//===================================================== sendPinStatus
// It is called every time a new client is connected.
// The void informs Virtuino app about the current pin states and variable values.

void sendPinsStatus(){
  sendValue(pin4_tag, String(digitalRead(4)));    // send the digital input D0 state
  sendValue(pin22_tag, String(digitalRead(22)));    // send the digital input D1 state
  //sendValue(pin17_tag, String(digitalRead(17)));    // send the digital input D1 state
  // add more here...

//===================================================== onValueReceived
// It is called every time a new value received
  void onValueReceived(String tag, String value){
    Serial.println("Received: tag="+tag+ "  value="+value);
    if (tag== pin22_tag) {                    // write to digital pin D5
      int v=value.toInt();
      if (v==1) digitalWrite(22,HIGH); else digitalWrite(22,LOW);

    if (tag== pin17_tag) {                    // write to digital pin 17
      int v=value.toInt();
      if (v==1) digitalWrite(17,HIGH); else digitalWrite(17,LOW);
    // add more here...
/* bool onPowerState(String deviceId, bool &state)
* Callback for setPowerState request
* parameters
*  String deviceId (r)
*    contains deviceId (useful if this callback used by multiple devices)
*  bool &state (r/w)
*    contains the requested state (true:on / false:off)
*    must return the new state
* return
*  true if request should be marked as handled correctly / false if not
bool onPowerState(const String &deviceId, bool &state) {
  Serial.printf("Device %s turned %s (via SinricPro) \r\n", deviceId.c_str(), state?"on":"off");
  myPowerState = state;
  digitalWrite(LED_PIN, myPowerState?LOW:HIGH);
  return true; // request handled properly

void handleButtonPress() {
  unsigned long actualMillis = millis(); // get actual millis() and keep it in variable actualMillis
  if (digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN) == LOW && actualMillis - lastBtnPress > 1000)  { // is button pressed (inverted logic! button pressed = LOW) and debounced?
    if (myPowerState) {     // flip myPowerState: if it was true, set it to false, vice versa
      myPowerState = false;
    } else {
      myPowerState = true;
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, myPowerState?LOW:HIGH); // if myPowerState indicates device turned on: turn on led (builtin led uses inverted logic: LOW = LED ON / HIGH = LED OFF)

    // get Switch device back
    SinricProSwitch& mySwitch = SinricPro[SWITCH_ID];
    // send powerstate event
    mySwitch.sendPowerStateEvent(myPowerState); // send the new powerState to SinricPro server
    Serial.printf("Device %s turned %s (manually via flashbutton)\r\n", mySwitch.getDeviceId().c_str(), myPowerState?"on":"off");

    lastBtnPress = actualMillis;  // update last button press variable

// setup function for WiFi connection
void setupWiFi() {
  Serial.printf("\r\n[Wifi]: Connecting");

  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
  Serial.printf("connected!\r\n[WiFi]: IP-Address is %s\r\n", WiFi.localIP().toString().c_str());

// setup function for SinricPro
void setupSinricPro() {
  // add device to SinricPro
  SinricProSwitch& mySwitch = SinricPro[SWITCH_ID];

  // set callback function to device

  // setup SinricPro
  SinricPro.onConnected([](){ Serial.printf("Connected to SinricPro\r\n"); });
  SinricPro.onDisconnected([](){ Serial.printf("Disconnected from SinricPro\r\n"); });
  //SinricPro.restoreDeviceStates(true); // Uncomment to restore the last known state from the server.
  SinricPro.begin(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET);

// main setup function
void setup() {
  pinMode(BUTTON_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); // GPIO 0 as input, pulled high
  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); // define LED GPIO as output
  digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); // turn off LED on bootup

  Serial.begin(BAUD_RATE); Serial.printf("\r\n\r\n");

      pinMode(4,INPUT);                 // on this example the pin 5 is used as INPUT
      pinMode(22,OUTPUT);               // on this example the pin 22 is used as OUTPUT

void loop() {

  ======================  UTILS =======================
  You don't need to make changes to the code below

//===================================================== sendValue
// This function sends a value to a Tag.
// The tag and the value are converted to a json message before sending

bool sendValue(const char* tag, String value){
  String json = "{\"";
  Serial.println("Send: "+json);
  return webSocket.broadcastTXT(json);     // This function sends the message to all connected clients.

//===================================================== webSocketEvent
//This is the server handler. It receives all the messages

void webSocketEvent(uint8_t num, WStype_t type, uint8_t * payload, size_t length) {
    switch(type) {
        case WStype_DISCONNECTED:
            Serial.printf("[%u] Disconnected!\n", num);
        case WStype_CONNECTED:{
            IPAddress ip = webSocket.remoteIP(num);
            Serial.printf("[%u] New client connected - IP: %d.%d.%d.%d \n", num, ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3]);
            sendPinsStatus();         // send the initial pin and variable values to the connected clients
        case WStype_TEXT:  // a new message received
            Serial.printf("[%u] Received: %s\n", num, payload);
            //-- The incoming payload is a json message. The following code extracts the value from json without extra library
            String str = (char*)payload;
            int p1 = str.indexOf("{\"");
            if (p1==0) {
              int p2 = str.indexOf("\":");
              if (p2>p1) {
                String tag = str.substring(p1+2,p2);
                p1 = str.indexOf(":\"",p2);
                if (p1>0) {
                   p2 = str.lastIndexOf("\"}"); 
                   if (p2>0){
                      String value = str.substring(p1+2,p2);

//============================================================== vDelay
  void vDelay(int delayInMillis){long t=millis()+delayInMillis;while (millis()<t) webSocket.loop();}

Messages In This Thread
portale sinric pro - by pasqua - 02-25-2023, 02:54 PM
RE: portale sinric pro - by pasqua - 02-25-2023, 05:26 PM
RE: portale sinric pro - by iliaslamprou - 02-27-2023, 12:48 AM

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