11-03-2022, 08:02 PM
I am not sure but I think that the Software Serial library doen't work with the Servo library.
The solutions:
1. You have to test your arduino code using different Servo Library
2. You have to stop use the Software serial library. Try to replace it with the Serial.
I have modify the first VirtuinoCM library example. I have replace the SoftwareSerial with the Hardware Serial of Arduino board
You have to move the connected wires from the pins 2-3 to the Serial pins 0-1. But you have to do it after uploadind the following code because
the Serial uses the pins 0-1 fot the uploading.
I have removed all the Serial.print... functions of the code too
You can't use the serial monitor anymore with this sketch
I am not sure but I think that the Software Serial library doen't work with the Servo library.
The solutions:
1. You have to test your arduino code using different Servo Library
2. You have to stop use the Software serial library. Try to replace it with the Serial.
I have modify the first VirtuinoCM library example. I have replace the SoftwareSerial with the Hardware Serial of Arduino board
You have to move the connected wires from the pins 2-3 to the Serial pins 0-1. But you have to do it after uploadind the following code because
the Serial uses the pins 0-1 fot the uploading.
I have removed all the Serial.print... functions of the code too
You can't use the serial monitor anymore with this sketch
//#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
//SoftwareSerial espSerial = SoftwareSerial(2,3); // arduino RX pin=2 arduino TX pin=3 connect the arduino RX pin to esp8266 module TX pin - connect the arduino TX pin to esp8266 module RX pin
//-------------VirtuinoCM Library and settings --------------
#include "VirtuinoCM.h"
VirtuinoCM virtuino;
#define V_memory_count 32 // the size of V memory. You can change it to a number <=255)
float V[V_memory_count]; // This array is synchronized with Virtuino V memory. You can change the type to int, long etc.
boolean debug = true; // set this variable to false on the finale code to decrease the request time.
//============================================================== setup
void setup() {
if (debug) {
while (!Serial) continue;
// espSerial.begin(9600);
// espSerial.setTimeout(50);
virtuino.begin(onReceived,onRequested,256); //Start Virtuino. Set the buffer to 256. With this buffer Virtuino can control about 28 pins (1 command = 9bytes) The T(text) commands with 20 characters need 20+6 bytes
//virtuino.key="1234"; //This is the Virtuino password. Only requests the start with this key are accepted from the library
pinMode(4, OUTPUT); // On Virtuino panel add a button to control this pin
pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // On Virtuino panel add a button to control this pin
pinMode(6, INPUT); // On Virtuino panel add a led to get the state of this pin
pinMode(7, INPUT); // On Virtuino panel add a led to get the state of this pin
//============================================================== loop
void loop() {
virtuinoRun(); // Necessary function to communicate with Virtuino. Client handler
vDelay(1000); // This is an example of the recommended delay function. Remove this if you don't need
void onReceived(char variableType, uint8_t variableIndex, String valueAsText){
if (variableType=='V'){
float value = valueAsText.toFloat(); // convert the value to float. The valueAsText have to be numerical
if (variableIndex<V_memory_count) V[variableIndex]=value; // copy the received value to arduino V memory array
String onRequested(char variableType, uint8_t variableIndex){
if (variableType=='V') {
if (variableIndex<V_memory_count) return String(V[variableIndex]); // return the value of the arduino V memory array
return "";
void virtuinoRun(){
while (Serial.available()) {
char tempChar=Serial.read();
if (tempChar==CM_START_CHAR) {
String* response= virtuino.getResponse();
void vDelay(int delayInMillis){long t=millis()+delayInMillis;while (millis()<t) virtuinoRun();}