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Difficulty with Gauge widget
I'm having trouble with the Gauge widget. It does not show the result of the variable (needle and Annotation).
This same variable is normally shown on the Value display.
In Virtuino V6, I can see the Gauge normally.
Is it necessary to do some more configuration for the Gauge to work?
(04-29-2022, 08:02 PM)iliaslamprou Wrote: Hi,
I think you have to check if the selected on gauge variable is correct

Please take the following steps.
Create a new project
1. Add a slider on the dashboard. Select the Emulator V0
2. Add a Gauge with the default settings. Select the Emaulator V0 only
3. Move the slider button
You have to see the gauge needle moving.
Then replace the Emulator variable with your server variable
Hi Ilias.
I checked the variable and it was correct.
I know it's not correct but I emailed my project to you...
Please see what I'm doing wrong.
sorry for my english...  Rolleyes
I haven't received youe email
Please send it again
(05-01-2022, 07:02 PM)iliaslamprou Wrote: Hi,
I haven't received youe email
Please send it again

which email should i send?
Click on my username to enter to my profile
Then go to the bottom of the screen.
You will find the "send email" option
I have checked.
The problem is not on the app. It is on the arduino code.
The published value is not correct. It is not numerical value.
It has some invalid characters at the end, because it published as String with a fixed length.
If you use my code example to publish the values you have to fix a bug in the arduino code.
Replace the void "publishMessage" at the end of the code with this.
The problem is to the length of the payload.
void publishMessage(const char* topic, String payload , boolean retained){
  if (client.publish(topic, payload.c_str(), true))
      Serial.println("Message publised ["+String(topic)+"]: "+payload);
(05-05-2022, 08:45 PM)iliaslamprou Wrote: Hi,
I have checked.
The problem is not on the app. It is on the arduino code.
The published value is not correct. It is not numerical value.
It has some invalid characters at the end, because it published as String with a fixed length.
If you use my code example to publish the values you have to fix a bug in the arduino code.
Replace the void "publishMessage" at the end of the code with this.
The problem is to the length of the payload.
void publishMessage(const char* topic, String payload , boolean retained){
  if (client.publish(topic, payload.c_str(), true))
      Serial.println("Message publised ["+String(topic)+"]: "+payload);

Hi Ilias.
Working perfectly!...
I believe that in the project I sent you will be able to see the results.
thank you very much.
I'm using it on an esp 32 and also on esp01.
Question: Would you have this same code to be used in Arduino (Uno, Mega, Nano...)?
I think other libraries are needed.
Thank you and a big hug.
I am sorry. I don't have code for arduino uno, mega etc..
I think it is not easy to write code for Arduino+ESP8266-01 with MQTT support 

You have to make a search on the web for this
(05-06-2022, 10:04 PM)iliaslamprou Wrote: I am sorry. I don't have code for arduino uno, mega etc..
I think it is not easy to write code for Arduino+ESP8266-01 with MQTT support 

You have to make a search on the web for this

Ok Ilias...
Thanks a lot.
Congrats on the App. Very intuitive and easy to use.
About the file I sent, feel free to do the commands, it is still in test. when the project is ready, I will change the password. lol

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