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Siemens Logo!, AWS and Virtuino IOT
Hi! I´m Max from Argentina. I´m using Virtuino IOT to manage a Siemens Logo! 8.3 via Modbus. It works like a charm inside my client´s LAN.
But, I have to control it also from Internet. The LOGO! is registered in AWS IOT and I can see its shadow working properly.

I know Modbus but I´m still new to these new IOT technologies.

Can Virtuino interact with an AWS thing´s shadow via MQTT? 
Or, is there a more practical way to control these PLCs from internet with Virtuino?

have you tried to connect to the Logo device using port forwarding?
(05-02-2024, 11:00 PM)iliaslamprou Wrote: Hi,
have you tried to connect to the Logo device using port forwarding?

Yes and it works. When I was testing it at home it worked fine. But I need a fixed IP (where I live no ISP gives you that) and to reconfigure the plant´s routers. And I think I'll need at least to subscribe to a DNS server and the servers I know need to have a 24/7 connected PC to manage the IP changes.
That´s still my Plan A, but since Logo! can connect natively to AWS IOT, I was wondering if I can use it as an advantage and connect the HMI directly to its shadow on AWS. They have SONOFF stuff and they work straight out of the box. I think they work in a similar way.
Straight out of the box, I can use it to my advantage by connecting the HMI directly to its shadow.

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