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Confusion on Schedule Display vs a Schedule "Controller"
Trying to parse this out. My goal - basic schedule controller, turn X on/off at Y or Z time.

Here is how I understand everything, jump in if I'm wrong or right.

On the YouTube VIoT Schedule Example, in the comments, you say "...the app is not [a] controller. You can edit a schedule only, you can't run it." So, Virtuino does not have a method to run or reference a schedule/time/RTC on its own? However, the schedule editor can send a schedule, in the format provided, to a program running on an ESP? 

And this is where I get confused. In the program you dictate a specific time (3,8,32,46). In the serial monitor, it references the real time (on video, converted to your format (6,10,18,49)) & sends the time you entered into the Schedule Display Widget (7,8,50,00). What is the purpose of the 1st time you dictated (3,8,32,46)? Was that just for the example, like a definitive, "see it's in this time window, now it's not" kind of thing? Then, Virtuino already has a real time number, is there a way I can reference that? Or is it more a back end thing that exists but isn't something Virtuino can directly control? The RTC seems redundant if Virtuino already knows what time it is.

Basically, where and what is the time anchor? Assuming I can't use Virtuino's time stamp number, would I just use my RTC values in place of your defined (3,8,32,46)? So every 10 seconds, the ESP checks the updated time, asks Virtuino if it matches it's range, then it updates a separate tagged variable I can access in Virtuino to control X device?

Thanks, and as always, you and Virtuino both rock!
τhe application does not act as a controller that runs the schedule and sends the state to the controller. 
It should only be used to create a schedule and send it to the device.
The "Schedule Display" widget shows us the next schedule time when the state will change.
The Json message contains the time the user sends the schedule. 
This may be useful for clock synchronization in case we are connected directly to a device and not through an MQTT broker because the broker may have kept the schedule with an older date than the current one.
I think RTC is necessary in the device.
Widgets are only needed to send a schedule to the device. The device itself should read the correct time from an NTP server and contain an RTC.

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