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Large text output
Hello Ilias!
It is very necessary to display large text on the display from a variable with a carry line, for example String 1\nString 2\nString 3\n......String x.
In the settings of the Value Display widget, when selecting the Text type, there is not enough setting for a fixed font height. For this reason, the remaining lines remain invisible.
Please make this possible. Well, or a separate widget for displaying a test with line breaks.
Hi, the "Value display" can display multi line text.
On the "Value display" settings set the max lines to a number higher than one and the font height to 0.1
Hello Ilias!
I know about the number of lines, this only works on the Label widget. I need to accept text data with service characters into a variable, for example String 1\nString 2\nString 3
The result should be
String 1
String 2
String 3
I can send multi line text from the broker without any issue.
I can't understand the problem here. Could you upload more information?
Hello Ilias!
I managed to display the text on the display with a line feed as I needed! The text was displayed correctly only after opening the project again. Thank you very much for the tip.

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