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Data from Date-Time-Display - Printable Version

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Data from Date-Time-Display - Helmut_number_one - 08-30-2023

I use the Date-Time-Display, i connected from a Http-Connection, this Data sec, min, ....  is usefull for other thing in a prg
Can i put the HH MM SS in 3 variable`?

RE: Data from Date-Time-Display - iliaslamprou - 08-31-2023

yes you can do it using the Script "Date Converter" three times.
Go to the "Output settings"
Select for the output one Variable.
Date Format: Custom
Custom format: mm   or  HH or  SS only

RE: Data from Date-Time-Display - Helmut_number_one - 08-31-2023

Thankyou for the answer,
no Input Variable ?

i try 
input Variable: nothing, Input Value, Date Format-> Custom, Customformat ss

Output Variable: (Sekunde aus EchtZeitUhr), Date format Custom, Custom ss

Then i place a Value Display on Dashboard with Variable (Sekunde aus Echtzeituhr)

But nothing is there in the Value Display

I found it out
Input Variable equal Pin from Input Variable from realtime Clock pin, Input -> Value update date, Custom ->ss
Output Variable-> (Sekunde aus Realtime Clock) in Emulator one Variable , Date format -> Custom, Custom format -> ss

Thankyou for your time, Best Regards