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failure to connect - Printable Version

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failure to connect - Sergio ZP - 10-17-2022

Using the same WiFi settings, a code with three sensors, one pin, and one variable connects well; however, a similar code with six sensors, one pin, and one variable fails to connect. Is there a limit in the demo version?

I tested removing sensors and found that including the temperature (DS18B20 using OneWire.h and DallasTemperature.h libraries) and digital scale (load cell using HX711.h library) sensors solved the problem. Can that be fixed?

RE: failure to connect - iliaslamprou - 10-19-2022

no there is no limit. 
You have to check your connection settings.
For MQTT connection use different client id.

RE: failure to connect - Sergio ZP - 10-19-2022

(10-19-2022, 08:45 PM)iliaslamprou Wrote: Hi,
no there is no limit. 
You have to check your connection settings.
For MQTT connection use different client id.

I just edited my post. Maybe conflicts with sensors I used? Either one I mentioned cause the ESP32 not to connect with Virtuino IoT.