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Full Version: Virtuino 6 - Error reading projects
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Good afternoon, after updating Virtuino 6 on my Android phone I cannot read old projects or record new projects on the phone. It doesn't seem to find the storage paths. Is it a version error?
How can I get a previous version of Virtuino 6?
I have the same problem. On two smartphones. You need to clear application memory. Uninstall and reinstall the application.
It helped me.
(06-06-2022, 06:32 PM)robert4you Wrote: [ -> ]I have the same problem. On two smartphones. You need to clear application memory. Uninstall and reinstall the application.
It helped me.

Thanks for the prompt response. I have cleared the memory and application data and uninstalled the app. After I installed the google play app (version 6.0.12) and it still doesn't work.
I have managed to download version 6.0.08 from the Apkpure site and it works perfectly.

It is a very important issue in the  version 6.0.12
We are trying to fix it.

How to solve?

Remove the Playstore version 6.0.12 This version is not working on devices with Android 11 or 12
Install the version 6.0.08 from Virtuino web site:

The pro users will lost the licence.
In this case the user have to send an email to me for a product ID. 

The Virtuino 6 Viewer doen't have this issue
(06-08-2022, 07:27 PM)iliaslamprou Wrote: [ -> ]It is a very important issue in the  version 6.0.12
We are trying to fix it.

How to solve?

Remove the Playstore version 6.0.12 This version is not working on devices with Android 11 or 12
Install the version 6.0.08 from Virtuino web site:

The pro users will lost the licence.
In this case the user have to send an email to me for a product ID. 

The Virtuino 6 Viewer doen't have this issue

Thank you very much. We are waiting for the solution in a future version. You will communicate it.