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Full Version: Virtuino IOT chrashes on IOS 15.7.4
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I'm using Virtuino since many months on Iphones 5SE and now 7 w/o any issues and to my full satisfaction (even the pro version).
But since a few days, after not using it for about 10 days, it crashes immediatly at start.
IOS version is 15.7.5 now, same with the previous version 15.7.4.
Unfortunately, I don't know with which version it had been working.
Re-Installation from the Appstore did not help.

Did anybody experienced the same?

Thanks for any hint to fix this.
Kind regards, Yves
you have right, I haven't seen this. I am sorry.

I have fixed. I have uploaded the version 0.5.44 on the AppStore.
It will be available on a few hours.
Hi Ilias,

the App is working again now on IOS 15.7.4, thank you very much!