Virtuino Tutorial : ESP-01 + Arduino UNO (Virtuino Web Server)

Tutorial description:

Enable or disable  the Arduino uno board LED of  pin 13 via Virtuino App using ESP-01 wifi module

 Step 1: Arduino connections

Connect the ESP-01 module to Arduino board as the plan below





Step 2: Install VirtuinoCM library to Arduino IDE software


a. Install VirtuinoCM library using the Arduino Library Manager

On Arduino IDE software go to Menu/Sketch/Include Library/Manage Libraries  to open the Library Manager

On the search line enter VirtuinoCM.

Install the Virtuino CM library


If you can't install the library using the library manager you can install the library manually using the links below:

VirtuinoCM library (zip file)


On Arduino IDE software go to Menu/Sketch/Include Library/Add zip libraryThen load the library zip file

Step 3: Load the ESP-01 example sketch 

  1. Go to Menu/File/Examples/VirtuinoCM
  2. Select the example: Arduino_UNO_ESP01_ex1_getting_started


 Go to the Settings part of the code

Enter your wifi network name and password

Enter a correct IP address for your ESP01 module.

This depends on your router IP.

If your Router IP is enter an ip like

The three first numbers has be the same

When you are ready connect Arduino board to a USB port  and upload the code

Open the serial monitor. If you can't see anything go to the Void setup. Change the espSerial baud rate to 115200

Then try again. If it works, the connectios are correct and the ESP-01 default baud rate is 115200. You have to change the default  ESP serial baud rate to 9600 because the Software serial doesn't work well at 115200 and then to continue with this example



Step 4: Virtuino app settings

Enable your Android device internet connection 

Run Virtuino app (ver 5.0.10 or higher)