Virtuino SE code examples for JSON API (Default)

The following examples support the Virtuino SE app only (not Virtuino) and they don't need any library. All the necessary code is included on the sketch.

The code is very simple and the minimum that is needed to communicate with Virtuino SE app.

Download the correct example for your hardware, make the correct settings on the top of the code and upload it to the board.

The developers can improve the examples and adjust them to different boards



Arduino + Ethernet shield

The following examples support ethernet connection (Server code)

Virtuino SE - Arduino + Ethernet shield example0: Enable or disable a Led connected to pin 6

Virtuino SE - Arduino + Ethernet shield example1: Read - Write IOs

Virtuino SE - Arduino + Ethernet shield example2: Read - Write Variables

Virtuino SE - Arduino + Ethernet shield example3: Overview (Read-write pins, Read-write variables, Read analog inputs) 

Virtuino SE - Arduino + Ethernet shield example4: Read write text

Client code examples

Comming soon...





ESP8266 or ESP32  standalone (Wemos, NodeMCU, etc.)

Server code examples

Virtuino SE - ESP8266 example1: Read - Write IOs

Virtuino SE - ESP8266 example2: Read - Write variables (How to read sensor values)

Virtuino SE - ESP8266 example3: Overview (Read-write pins, read-write variables, read analog inputs)

Virtuino SE - ESP8266 example4:Read - Write text 

Virtuino SE - ESP8266 example5: Read - Write 256 variables

Virtuino SE - ESP8266 example6: Start the board as AccessPoint to change the settings (SSID,Password,IP,Gateway) without compile




Arduino UNO + ESP8266_01

Server code examples

Virtuino SE - Arduino UNO+ ESP8266_01 example1: Read - Write IOs

Virtuino SE - Arduino UNO+ ESP8266_01 example2: Read - Write variable  (How to read sensor values)

Virtuino SE - Arduino UNO+ ESP8266_01 example3: Overview


Arduino MEGA + ESP8266_01

Server code examples

Virtuino SE - Arduino + ESP8266_01 example1: Overview




Server code examples

Virtuino SE - SonOff OTA example: Read - Write IOs




Virtuino SE code examples for HTTP API